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4 reasons why we struggle with new years’ resolutions

Some thoughts on why keeping our resolutions in the new year can be challenging..

1 – Unrealistic expectations

We are all guilty of this. Only we know what we are capable of, everyone else will always have a different opinion on our lives. Think about what you want and need in your life right now, then work towards what you want using a step by step process. Be sure to consider the process and not just the end goal. If you are working towards a goal, ask yourself…is it SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based). If we don’t set SMART goals we set ourselves up to fail, which often leads to not wanting to give it another chance. Our confidence in ourselves can also be affected. You are not dropping your standards by setting achievable and personalised goals, you are recognising your own capability.

2 – Stress and the environment 

We don’t always take in to consideration the different things that we have going on in our lives’. It’s important to consider this, because if we don’t we can experience symptoms of stress and fatigue. We all have different circumstances and limitations within those circumstances, so when we throw something else in to the mix, we need to give it careful consideration. Stress can impact on our bodies’ physiologically and mentally, so think about what your mind and body needs when you consider your process oriented SMART goal.

3 – Giving up too easily

As human beings we can get quite disheartened quickly. We are often quite good at pointing out the negatives and not focusing on the more helpful or positive aspect of things. We can become easily agitated when we don’t achieve what we set out to achieve, and therefore just end up giving up. We have to be honest with ourselves and consider the resources and support we require to achieve our process oriented goals. It’s also ok to fail! Failing is not a bad thing, that’s how we learn., and it doesn’t define us. Often that learning process can teach us a lot about ourselves, which we can use to reflect on and move forward.

4 – Lack of compassion/inner critic

We are great at showing compassion towards others’, however very much struggle to extend this towards ourselves. How we talk to ourselves speaks volumes, and if we put ourselves down, we are unlikely to achieve what we set out to achieve. Our inner critic often has a harsh and unkind tone. We need to think about the tone of voice that we use when we engage in that inner dialogue, and ask ourselves…”is this kind”, and “would I speak to someone I care about in this way”?. Remember to show the kindness that you show to others’ to yourself too…you are just as important, and just as worthy.

Psychotherapy and Counselling in the West Midlands, Worcestershire, Cotswolds and Online.


BACP - Sheena Chauda

BABCP Sheena Chauda

BACP Accedited Counsellor & Psychotherapist

BABCP Accredited CBT Therapist / Trainer

t: 07375 862436 e: